
Hello, my name is [Something Irrelevant], and I have a pathological amount of inattention. And by that I mean ADHD. But I do have an irrational and extremely petty personal hatred of acronyms because I don’t know what most of them are, so I generally prefer the long-winded version. But whatever. Labels. Pff.

This blog is basically a catalogue of whatever pinball machines of life I have spent my existence tokens on lately, in an effort to help me actually remember what I do with my time on this earth, since I generally fail to accumulate physical evidence of it.

I’ve decided to just accept that nothing is going to stick. I’m not going to finish most of my projects or learn a skill well enough to be terribly good at it. I’m not going to research a topic long enough to discover a useful conclusion, or become a knowledgeable expert in it. But by Baldr’s fossilized necro-balls, I will embrace or at least angrily hump the damned journey if it kills me. And I will try to at least drag with me the memories of what I’ve grabbed on to for whatever time I’ve grabbed on to it.

All this is likely to include posts on terrible DIY projects, animals (domestic and wild), bird voyeurism, poorly understood scientific and historical topics, medical stuff that I will fail to grasp completely, my confusion about how to not fuck up the environment, home maintenance or the lack thereof, photography that I will never have the patience to do properly, writing things that I will not finish, traveling in the gaps between periods of financial ruin, psychology or something close to it, and possibly exploring the ways in which my brain sucks. But I will try my best to not be boring.

However, I may at any point lose interest in one or more of these, or suddenly discover my long-awaited passion for astronomy or whatever (why am I not interested in astronomy? It makes no goddamned sense, frankly, for a person to have no interest in astronomy; it has to happen sometime I assume), so there’s really no promises here.

All I can tell you for sure is I have no idea what I’m doing and I probably never will, and this blog is part of an attempt for me to just accept that. For more on this, see this post.

P.S. A note on the images: all images used on the site fall into one of two categories. The first category is “artwork or illustration done by someone who has been dead for a long time and therefore, to the best of my knowledge, is in the public domain.” My sources for these so far are mostly The Public Domain Review and Old Book Illustrations, though there may be others. Currently, a disproportionate amount of the illustrations are the work of Gustave Doré. Dude just did a lot of nice illustrations.

The second category is “photographs I have personally taken.” So — if you see a photo here, I took it, and that’s probably why it’s edited badly; if it’s a drawing or painting, someone else did it, but they are, sadly, deadsies.